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Kotlin and Kotlin Multiplatform

1. Add the dependency

The library is available directly from Maven Central. Add the following to your build.gradle.kts file:


Replace X.X.X with the latest version which you can find on Maven or our GitHub repository.

2. Initialize the SDK

Begin by obtaining an app key from the Feedbackbulb dashboard. Then, initialize the SDK with the app key:

val client= FeedbackSDKClient("YOUR_APP_KEY")

3. Send feedback

To send feedback, use the sendFeedback method:

client.sendFeedback("This is a test feedback from Feedback SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform")
// or
client.sendFeedback("This is a test feedback from Feedback SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform", mapOf("example" to "Kotlin Multiplatform"))

🚧 Work in progress