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How to get started with a Wix website

  • In Wix, load the Settings page of your website.

  • Scroll down until you see the "Custom code" section and select it.

Wix Website Settings

Add header code

  • Click on the "Add Custom Code" button.

Wix Website Settings

  • Paste the following code snippet:
  • You can give it a friendly name like "Feedbackbulb:

Wix Website Settings

  • Configure the code to load once on all pages.

  • Make sure the "Place Code in: Head" is selected.

Wix Code snippet setup

Add the feedback widget

  • Click on the "Add Custom Code" button once again.

  • Paste the following code snippet:

<aside data-fbb-feedback="XXX-XXX-XX" />
  • Replace XXX-XXX-XX with your Feedbackbulb application key.

  • You can give it a friendly name like "Feedbackbulb:

Wix Website Settings

  • Configure the code to load once on all pages.

  • Make sure the "Place Code in: Body - end" is selected.

Wix Code snippet setup

All done 🎉!

Configure the feedback widget

You can customize the look and feel of the feedback widget. Read more about the configuration options.

🚧 Work in progress